Thursday, April 27, 2006

Kabaka Oba Can He R.I.P.?

Well, here He is Cincinnati City Council, once dreaded nightmare...

Kabaka Oba, was a Black Activist that gave City Hall and our Police Department, pure Hell. It was nothing for Oba to show up at one of the weekly council meetings in a Klu Klux Klan dunce hat with his face covered. This was the flavor of his way.

A few short weeks ago, he was shot down on the very City Hall steps that he traveled. Immediately, the county jail was put on Lockdown. Officials was scared to death, "What's going to happen if a White man done shot him?" One of the 1st questions asked by a Newsreporter to Mayor Mark Mallory, "Will the Black community riot if we find out he was gunned down by a white man?" This was like 1 hour after the incident.

Mayor Mallory looked at him and addressed him, but the look on his face becuz I am a woman of color read, "You dumb idiot, don't forget you're talking to a BLACK MAN. " "And, everytime something of wrongness occurs WE don't take to the streets and riot!"

The media was thinking back to the young black man who was senselessly gunned down by metro, Mr. Timothy Thomas . A certain segment, you know who of our City called it a riot.

Let me set the freakin record straight, We Did Not Riot! There was an uprising and a revolt. We were tired of our sons, brothers, nephews, cousins & friends being slayed & gunned down in the street by these racist cops & Mastah's. Can you feel me? They were making target practice out of our young brothas. Cincinnati was in the throes of a genocide.

This was a revolt and uprising like many a Nation has had to do! If you have never lived it, then YOU can't stand in judgment. I was in the midst of the demonstrations and marches. I was willing to DIE for this cause. No Justice No Peace! You will not keep killing our young sons.

Well, it turns out Oba was gunned down by a Black Man. This was longtime ongoing feud. The man had lots of enemies and rightly so. Kabaka could be a real live bully. BUT, he help bridge the gap of hatred felt among the young black men and the white racist cops.

Oba was a member of the Black Fists and the same way folks thought of the Black Panthers is the same way they thought of the Black Fists, violent without a real cause group of black people.

Oba is dead, but some won't let him rest in peace. Something on a personal level is brewing and won't let rest come in the air. There won't be any killings or violence, but somethings just need to be, let it alone. The rumor has it someone very close to him set him up on that day. They knew it was going down. Very strange things have been reported.

But, Kabaka Oba my brother I say goodnight and blessed dreams.

In A Minute...Pinklillies On A Beautiful Day!

woman of color blog: Why do "they" keep bringing up RACE?

woman of color blog: Why do "they" keep bringing up RACE?

Ah man...Only moments ago, I posted "So Long Tony Snow," then what happens? I come across this. I had no idea Snow was such a racist pig skunk.

Check out, Kevin Andre Elliott's findings about The New Press Secretary. Snow's words, "Racism isn't that big of a deal." Read what we are up against.

Sadly, this is not hard for me to take in. He's a native White Male from Cincinnati, Ohio. I've only been back home for 6 years, but it's as if the Mastah's children have taken over. Cincinnati is racist as hell. I lived in the south for over 10 years. The 1st week I was home I was called a nigger. I was shocked. I was stunned. I felt humiliated and scared. They were 5 white boys in a jeep and I was power walking, alone. I lived in the south and had friends that came from the mountains & I was never called that filthy word.

Thank you for the info Mr. Kevin and,
I will circulate this thru out town!

In A Minute...Pinklillies On A Beautiful Day!

So Long Tony Snow

Check it out!
My hometown is making the news!

Looky here, Tony Snow the newly appointed White House Press Secretary to the President. However, he is not a stranger to the White House.

Snow is a former speechwriter for the oldest George Bush.
It's rather amazing that Bush selected Snow.

Why? He has said some pretty critical and jokingly amusing things about him. He's called him, "Something of an embarrassment, a leader who has lost control of the federal budget, the architect of a listless domestic policy, and a man who has a habit of singing from the political correctness hymnal." Ouch!!

Snow will be leaving his Weekend Live with Tony Snow on the Fox News Channel and The Tony Snow Show on Fox News Radio. Snow has a list of impressive credentials. A poll is running on the Fox News site asking whether Snow will be able to improve the image of the Bush Administration? He sure will if he's a good fiction writer. And, the peoples Votes are saying NO!

Well, to my fellow native of Cincinnati...We Bid You Farewell & Good Luck!

In A Minute...Pinklillies On A Beautiful Day!

March For Peace, Justice & Democracy

On April 29, 2006-
March For Peace, Justice & Democracy!

People from around the world are coming together in an united Walk to take a stance on the never seemingly ending to the oil wars, illegal spying, government corruption, lack of protection for immigrant rights, and a call for the protection of our civil liberties.

"Activists from women rights organizations, the peace movement, environmental groups, civil rights, labor and religious communities will come together in New York City," to march for these changes.

Reverend Jesse Jackson, says this is our key to gaining honor in the world. His plea, "Let's march in great numbers!"

I pray, that for every footstep which is placed on the ground a healing to these travesties will come.

Source: NOW National Organization for Women
For more information or call 212-868-5545

In A Minute...Pinklillies On A Beautiful Day!

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Cincinnati's 1st African American Mayor

Check out our not only highly intelligent and tremendously educated Mayor of Cincinnati, but Wow! He's handsome and the color of ebony chocolate....

Mayor Mark Mallory, was voted into office in our past election of November 2005. He is the 1st African American elected as Mayor. Republican Ken Blackwell was once our mayor, but he was appointed not elected by the citizens of Cincinnati.

Mayor Mallory has already set precedents bringing our leaders, council and citizens together. He has served as an Assistant Minority Leader in the Ohio Senate. He won a seat in the Ohio House of Representatives. And, was elected to Senate in 1994.

Mayor Mallory walked a few miles with us in our Gay Pride Parade of June 2005. He asked for our endorsement and made us promises, that he is keeping.

Mayor Mark Mallory is giving all people in every community here
a sense of hope. Everyday, he is out there in the midst of the folks, bridging the gaps, plus healing and rebuilding broken spirits.

So, Mayor Mallory I salute you! You are the people's Vote!

In A Minute...Pinklillies On A Beautiful Day!

Condoleeza Rice & HIV Discrimination?

Lorenzo Taylor faces off with Condoleeza Rice tomorrow. He is personally suing Condi for HIV discrimination.

Taylor, 47 years old has a Secret Service degree from Georgetown University.
"The State Department," doesn't accept or permit HIV applicants entry into the Secret Service.

Several years ago, Taylor also sued Colin Powell for the same very reason. Mind you Taylor speaks 4 different languages and he excelled in the necessary requirements, testing etc. However, I'm wondering Why is he personally going after Rice and then once Colin Powell? Did they write these rules & regulations & guidelines?

"Lambda Legal's HIV Project director, Jon Givner will present oral arguments before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, tomorrow."

There is no doubt this is blatant discrimination and I hope he wins his case, but sadly to say, "I think he's going after the wrong guys.

In A Minute...Pinklillies On A Beautiful Day!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Medicare & Medicaid & Your President

Well, in just a few short days, a matter of a couple of weeks, everyone must be signed up for their prescription coverage.

If they are not signed up by May 15th there will be a monetary penalty, when you do find a Health Insurance Carrier, that can accommodate your budget and your prescription needs.

Bush is a asswipe. Folks woke up on January 1, 2006 and had no prescription coverage. I'm talking about the elderly, the mentally & physically disabled, and even the working poor.

Why? Because, Bush didn't get the memo on the Thought For The Day! Never Hold your farts in. They travel up your spine, into your brain, and that's where shitty ideas come from!

Even though the deadline is nearing some people immediately sought a new healthcare prescription plan, but thru errors and blunders, which is really total disregard some have not been able to use their new coverage. Rendering them without medication since December 2005.

The web couldn't handle the online applications, social security offices - duh, and the pharmacies were overwhelmed. To be quite blunt, "Bush, fucked up!"

What in the world are ya taking prescription coverage from folks on disability, the elderly and the working poor?

Excuse me, but aren't people on disability, because of an Illness? And, the elderly who need assistance with their prescription coverage, I don't feel like I even should have to make a plea, as to what we owe them. Then, the working poor, there is no human reason for an American Citizen to be a working poor.

So, he has screwed with Medicaid coverage and the last I heard he will be cutting into Medicare by the millions.

Would somebody please give this bastard some mylanta! Isn't that for gas?

In A Minute...Pinklillies On A Beautiful Day!

Monday, April 24, 2006

Freedom To Marry

Okay, I have to be honest....the human right for gays and lesbians to marry was never a really big deal for me. Let me say, I thought If this was what the 2 individuals wanted, then by all means I was in support. I guess you could just say, my dog was never in that fight.

Then, oneday I saw 2 womyn of color, 2 sistahs, jumping the broom. I began to see images of myself take a place in society, that I had never witnessed before. My opinions, thoughts and beliefs began reshaping.

I began to feel better as an woman of color, an african american who the world labels lesbian.

Don't get me wrong there wasn't or isn't any shame, but it was truly wonderful to see those representations/images of oneself. Just like when Mrs. Parker, Monique held the Big Grrl Pageant, Oh I was on it. Everybody is not a size 3/4 or 7/8. I know I'm not. And, just to set the record straight I LOVE my hips, thighs, cellulite and my few extra pounds. Hell, I love me. But, anyways....

What I'm saying is positive images of your culture, your race etc. does play a part whether we like it or not. How could it not? Look at what negative images and stereotyping does.

Freedom To Marry is a "gay and nongay partnership, that is working to win marriage equality nationwide." "Evan Wolfson, founder and Civil Rights attorney has been a leader for the movement. For more information,

In A Minute...Pinklillies On A Beautiful Day!

She's A Battle Axe

There was once a population of females called, "The Amazon Women." They were a tribal community of women, that possessed strength, independence and wis-dom.

These women had the ability to run their land free from male dominance, power and control. The Amazon Women were their own hunterers and gatherers.

These phenomenal female's tool of choice was the battle axe. The battle axe denoted great strength, WOMAN strength and in more ways than one.

Some may know this tool, by the name Labrys. The labrys was used by ancient women and had a connection and symbolism to Lesbianism. The labrys is a double-bladed axe or hatchet, which was used for harvesting, as well as for a defense weapon.

The tribe of Amazon Women roamed Cazakstan in Central Asia, which is now known as Turkey. The town of Catalhuyuk is where they worshipped the Earth Goddess. They prospered, lived without conflict and in peace for 1,500 years.

Can you imagine this? 1,500 years without war!

In A Minute....Pinklillies On A Beautiful Day!

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Angela Davis-I Luv You!

Angela Davis and Power To The People!

Isn't She Lovely - Isn't She Beautiful!

A Woman Who possessed the Strength Of What Is Known As The Amazon Women. They toiled their land, they were rulers over it and they ran it in peace without wars.

BUT...they knew everyone has the right to bear arms...
Can you dig it?

In A Minute...Pinklillies On A Beautiful Day!

Pres.Bush-Children Of Gays Not Allowed

Look at ya'lls President he just oughta be ashamed of himself. Standing there with Peter Rabbit, who has no judgmental bones in his body. Waving, his signature salute. Hello... America I'm George W.Bush and I Hate Little Kids.

Why would I say something so probably offensive? Well, you be the judge of this. Your President didn't want the Children of gay and lesbian parents to participate in the annual White House Easter Egg Hunt.

Now, there aren't too many more words, that I need to speak or pen. This guy is an asshat. Children? What control does a 5 or 6 year old have over their parents being gay and lesbian? A Easter Egg Hunt? This dude is vile.

In A Minute...Pinklillies On A Beautiful Day!

Preachers Come "OUT!"

Powerful stuff is happening, at least from what I read in "The Advocate Magazine." A total of 75 Ministers have come out. And, I'm not talking about out of the rain. I'm talking out with their true sexual identity.

"A week before the United Methodist's Church Judicial Council was set to meet 75 gay ministers outed themselves in a letter." Whoa, I bet there was some heavy praying and speaking in tongues when that letter was read! Hurry, let's get the anointing oil and go lay some hands on those demons. Man...I can hear them now.

I'm willing to also bet, that half the preachers on Word and TBN are either bisexual or gay. When, I listen to the condemnation and the sin which they preach, OH MY. It's not even a preaching it's such a hate. They get 30 minutes to share the LOVE of God, but they spend it on the homosexuality lifestyle. I learned long ago, often when someone spews their vile it has to do with the hatred they have for themselves and the jealousy of who you are, because in essence they want to be as free as you are.

So, rock on my 75 gay ministers...the Lord still as He/She always has, "Loves You." We were made in his image.

In A Minute...Pinklillies On A Beautiful Day!

Friday, April 21, 2006

God Is A Dike

She/He said I was made in his image and I know what I am, at least this is what they keep calling me when they're mad.

When, they're being nice they call me a lesbian or a homosexual gay woman.
Followed up by, "Oh what ashame she's so pretty, too."

That's really funny to me! Yeah, I maybe cute but I like cute girls.

And, Melissa Estheridge is probably making them even sicker. Her and her partner are expecting twins. Oh, I hear you roaring. Can you hear me hollering Hip Hip Hoorah!

Well, today is grrlpower and dykepower day in my life - it's Friday, so let's have some peace. Jerry Falwell, Donnie McClurkin and the rest of the closested gays and lesbian preachers, pastors are somewhere causing enough drama for today.

In A Minute...Pinklillies On A Beautiful Day!

Sunday, April 16, 2006


Who Are They?

They are like Maggots, found germinating in your Grandma's warm sweet patota pie.

Or, that fly that circles your chitlins.
Even, the gnat that lands in the hot sauce.

"Seek & Destroy!,"
"That's what they do."

Never allowing you a Vision, a Hope or a Dream. Their goal is to devour an assassinate your best made plans.

They come to Murder your purpose of being.

Their entry into your Life, Is to replace your Confidence
With the Seed of Doubt.

Who Are They?
They are the DreamBusters,
That's Who They Be.

They will try & strip you of your Power,
Eat away at your Creativity,
And, deprive you of your Knowledge of Knowing
That, "What You Are is Already Enough."

Their desire is to keep you held in Captivity.
Because, they are gagged and bound
In their own bottomless pit, which
Can only be compared to a burning inferno,
That, blazes from a Hell within.

Are you still wondering, "Who That Might Be?"

They are the real Demons.
They are the real Serpents.
They are the true Angels of Death.
They want to put the Nail In Your Coffin.

They are the DreamBusters,
That will follow your Destiny's Path.

Never Relinquish Your Power !

In A Minute.....Pinklillies On A Beautiful Day!

Cancer & Sometimes Crabby

Well, I'm Cancer the Crab and maybe just maybe it's something to all this horoscope stuff. Everytime, I input the information concerning my traits and characteristics I basically get the same response.

I am truly down to earth and their isn't a real reality that can truly keep me down. Not if you have a personal relationship with SHE THE UNIVERSE.

Alot of people ignore her when she speaks. It's okay, God doesn't mind - He created her in his image. I guess no I am level headed, but I challenge the words "a bit optimistic." I am an eternal optimistic. Always, seeing the silver cloud in the storms. I went through a storm in 1985, that didn't kill me and it made me not embrace all the anxiety and depression I had so lived in. Thank you, She Universe!

It's a blessed day today, it's been a blessed weekend, because for me it's a celebration and a yearly reminder that "My Jesus died on the cross for me." He loved me so much He gave his life for me. I feel such a love and peace from this, because I'm not sure IF anyone else would be willing to do that for me.

I'm a bit overwhelmed with his love right now, so everyone have a Happy Easter. And, if you do not know Jesus' love I pray that you find it.

Peace and Blessings,

In A Minute...Pinklillies On A Beautiful Day!

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Here's To Freeing Yourself

"The Girl Power In Me"

I Am So Happy
To Be Alone
The Bed Sometimes

Doesn't Get Made
But, It's Okay...
"I Am Alone."

My Pink Silk Satiny Sheets
"The Girly Girl In Me."
There Are...

The Tea Kettle Whistles
As It Sings A Song...
"Aren't You Happy
Just To Be Alone."

You Didn't Want Me To Stay
You Didn't Want Me To Go
"Now, I Am Happy
That, I Am Alone."

My Sofa Where You Often Slept,
No Longer Sags or Sinks...
The Springs Aren't Sprung.

And, Just Like The Seeds
That, Were Never Watered
On The Inside Of Me...
"I Am Happy To Be All Alone."

No More...
You Are First
I Am Last.

The Dust, Which Had Once
Accumulated On My Dreams
Have Been Blown Away
"I Am So Very Happy
To Finally Be Alone."

I thank the Universe, for giving me the strength to free myself.

In A Minute...Pinklillies On A Beautiful Day!

Friday, April 14, 2006

Neal Boortz On Behalf Of Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney

After listening to your on air and very much live comments regarding Georgia Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, you do remember calling her a "Ghetto Slut." On behalf of all my sisters out there, I just wanna say "Fuck You."

It is so very sad that in the year 2006 african americans and women of color must still continually listen to the bull about our hair. There is nothing wrong with Congresswoman Mckinney's hair. It's beautifully twisted and soft like an african american woman.

You're mad, you're mad because she popped that white Capital Hill police officer, this is what all this is about. Well, I hope that comment was worth what I'm about to do you. I called 1-800-210-3100 a few hours ago, but there was no answer or recording. It is rather late, but I will speak to your priviledged ass in the morning. I will speak to someone then I will find out who your sponsors are.
I'm going to make your life a living hell. You fucked with the wrong one, buddy or is it pal. I haven't been in white corporate in such a longtime. I've forgotten the lingo, but damn fool is what Grandma Beck would say. And, I'm gunning for you honey. There is one thing about black women you should know we have the strength of oxes and mules. You know that we do, hell we built this country you so nonchalantly called the 1st african american Georgia Congresswoman a Ghetto Slut in.

You don't know me, but you'll know my name very well when I get finished with you. In the mid 80's I had a white woman from the south take one look and me with her hatred and jealously, "I'm going to get you fired." Why? My beautiful locks were more than what she could stand. My words, "Then fire me I can use some unemployment." She finally was able to terminate me and I was able to get my unemployment and go reinvent my life - went back to school and had a good time. I seen her 5 years later and she still had jealousy but Oh My did she have envy reeking.

You are going to remember me 5 years from now. I won't stop - You snot looking donkey fart - this is the end of your life as you once knew it. My name is Miss Vicki Lynne Pharris Forte' and I get everything I want. Remember that Mr. Priviledged White Man.

In A Minute....Pinklillies On A Beautiful day!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

LGBT Friend From Ohio

Well, The Advocate has reported really great, but surprising news. Especially, since it comes from the red state of Ohio. I am from Ohio, so I'm excited about this news.

Ohio State Senator, Bob Hagen has protested antigay adoptions proposals, by introducing a bill to bar Republicans from adopting children.

Honey, ain't that the truth if some of these Republicans are fit enough,
good enough to raise children, then I know damned well my gay and lesbian brother and sisters are.

3 Cheers to Ohio State Senator Bob Hagen!! And, 2 thumbs Up and a 5 Star Salute to You!!

Now this is a beautiful day.

In A Minute....Pinklillies On A Beautiful Day!

Hello 911 You Are Criminal Operators

I feel like the color of red today, I wonder if it's because I'm been writing and focusing on 911 callers and operators?
911 means alert - alert would be red, huh?

Anyways, I just don't know what's going on with the 911 system, except for I have a few operators, that I'd like to feed to the lions at this point. Maybe, put them in a cage with 5 or 6 who haven't been fed for about a week. Leave them there for a couple of days. If they are still alive when I return then hell set'em free, debt stamped and paid. Listen to these jokers and what they have done to folks pleading for help...

Did ya'll hear about 6 year old Robert Turner? His mother collaspses to the floor, and is unconscious. He dials 911 and this witch of an operator saids, "quit playing on the telephone." He's telling her that his mother is passed out lying on the floor. This fool asks to speak to an adult. WTF! The boy explains there are no adults here except for the one passed out on the floor, the friggin idiot. She tells the child she is going to call the police on him and he will be in trouble. Now, what do you think he's thinking? I'm probably going to go to jail.

He doesn't call back for 3 hours, but when he does he gets the same dumb 911 operator. Young Robert is so frustrated, he sighs and you hear him say UGH! Finally, he gets attention. An ambulance is sent but it's too late his mother died hours ago.

Now, you see why I said feed her 2 the lions? But, hold up and wait a minute.
Let me tell you this...

A woman dialed 911 told the operator I've been shot in the head. Her response, "Are you a mental patient?" She ignored the caller. The woman called back pleading, "I've been shot in my head and my back by my boyfriend. My body is going numb. I'm bleeding to death I'm going to die."

The 911 operator lied, "I'll send an ambulance." They never showed up. The woman lived in Detroit. She phoned her son in Minnesota, he called the local police, they called the Detroit PD and there was an ambulance there within 2 minutes. However, she was left paralyzed.

Feed them to the bears, lions or wolves -- I'm telling ya.
Of course, lawsuits have been filed, but this is not solving any problems.

In A Minute....Pinklillies On A Beautiful Day!

Friday, April 07, 2006

Duke University Gang Rape

Well, the Duke University Lacrosse Team have done it this time. This is not a case of boys will be boys. Even though, they have been described as clean cut, normal American boys.

One of the team members hired 2 African American women to dance at an off campus party. They were to perform for 5 men. When they arrived there was over 40 males in attendance. An unknown male stood in the middle of the floor with a broom in his hand. His words, "I'm going to rape them with this broom."

The youngladies left, but unfortunately returned after apologies had been made. Plus, promises of no further incidents such as this. Immediately, after coming back inside 1 of the females was dragged into a bathroom. She was raped, sodomized, choked and racially terrorized.

Of course, the Duke lacrosse players & frat members are denying these accusations. 46 of the 47 team members had to give their DNA. The only one excluded was an African American male. Why? The rape victim has alleged that 3 White Males raped her.

The brutalized rape lasted 30 minutes. In the course of trying to fight back she broke 4 artificial nails. How? By scratching and digging into the arm of the one of the assailants. My question, "Where are the 4 broken artificial fingernails." If found, will they provide DNA? The boys will be boys were supposedly wearing long sleeve shirts and jackets. But, "How did she & why would she break the artificial fingernails?" I guess some may be out there saying, "Because, she willingly had rough & hard kinky sex." I say, "Okay if it makes you feel better."

I personally hope they fry for this. Yet, there are some things I don't understand or agree with. Coach Mike Pressler has resigned after 16 years of service. And, Duke's President Richard H. Brodhead felt this was the appropriate thing for him to do. Why? He didn't rape them. His coaching or lack thereof -- If this is how some are choosing to view his resignation had nothing to do with grown men raping, sodomizing and choking this youngwoman.

President Brodhead, only after his resignation decided to suspend the teams season. He wants to see how it all unfolds. Puke, vomit and spit. Oh yeah, and throw up!

The argument is this was a racially motivated hate crime. I say, this was a despicable sex crime. I don't see any color involved. I see disrepect, a sense of entitlement and human beings, that are low-lifes.

I'm glad that the Duke University students have band together with the North Carolina Central University students. They have participated in the many candlelight vigils and rallies held in honor & support of the rape victim. She was a 27 year old mother of two, attending North Carolina Central University to further advance and empower her life.

These are the words of Ryan McFayden, a 19 year old sophomore in attendance and lacrosse player. "I am going to invite strippers to my dorm room, kill them and cut off their skin." These words, his words were contained in an email message. McFayden, has been suspended from the university. No charges have been filed.

Now, I've got something to say about this. If he was an African American male who had sent this email, been at a party where a white female had been brutally raped, by now he would not only be in jail they would have his cell underneath the ground.

In a minute....Pinklillies On A Beautiful Day

Georgia Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney

Georgia Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney has offered up an apology to the Capitol patrol officer for punching his lights out. The Congresswoman, felt she was being racially profiled. However, you be the judge of this case.

Cynthia McKinney tried to enter the Capitol building without proper identification. She was absent of her Congressional ID. We know that everyone is very antsy since 9-11. Therefore, was the police officer within reason for his probing and questioning?

None of her fellow Caucus members took her side on this. We believe they encouraged McKinney to settle this matter with a public apology. Personally I believe, this was the appropriate course of action.

Congressman Tom Delay spoke "ill" of McKinney's physical appearance and hair style. He has made a public apology for this ridicule. However, he is now under threat of federal prosecution. How do I feel about this?

It's just amazing to me, that in the year of 2006 African Americans are still cursed, taunted and teased about our cultural styles. Our braids, locks, twist and natural hair. Even our Afrocentric garb and attire.

In a minute....Pinklillies On A Beautiful Day