Thursday, April 27, 2006

woman of color blog: Why do "they" keep bringing up RACE?

woman of color blog: Why do "they" keep bringing up RACE?

Ah man...Only moments ago, I posted "So Long Tony Snow," then what happens? I come across this. I had no idea Snow was such a racist pig skunk.

Check out, Kevin Andre Elliott's findings about The New Press Secretary. Snow's words, "Racism isn't that big of a deal." Read what we are up against.

Sadly, this is not hard for me to take in. He's a native White Male from Cincinnati, Ohio. I've only been back home for 6 years, but it's as if the Mastah's children have taken over. Cincinnati is racist as hell. I lived in the south for over 10 years. The 1st week I was home I was called a nigger. I was shocked. I was stunned. I felt humiliated and scared. They were 5 white boys in a jeep and I was power walking, alone. I lived in the south and had friends that came from the mountains & I was never called that filthy word.

Thank you for the info Mr. Kevin and,
I will circulate this thru out town!

In A Minute...Pinklillies On A Beautiful Day!