Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Condoleeza Rice & HIV Discrimination?

Lorenzo Taylor faces off with Condoleeza Rice tomorrow. He is personally suing Condi for HIV discrimination.

Taylor, 47 years old has a Secret Service degree from Georgetown University.
"The State Department," doesn't accept or permit HIV applicants entry into the Secret Service.

Several years ago, Taylor also sued Colin Powell for the same very reason. Mind you Taylor speaks 4 different languages and he excelled in the necessary requirements, testing etc. However, I'm wondering Why is he personally going after Rice and then once Colin Powell? Did they write these rules & regulations & guidelines?

"Lambda Legal's HIV Project director, Jon Givner will present oral arguments before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, tomorrow."

There is no doubt this is blatant discrimination and I hope he wins his case, but sadly to say, "I think he's going after the wrong guys.

In A Minute...Pinklillies On A Beautiful Day!