Friday, April 21, 2006

God Is A Dike

She/He said I was made in his image and I know what I am, at least this is what they keep calling me when they're mad.

When, they're being nice they call me a lesbian or a homosexual gay woman.
Followed up by, "Oh what ashame she's so pretty, too."

That's really funny to me! Yeah, I maybe cute but I like cute girls.

And, Melissa Estheridge is probably making them even sicker. Her and her partner are expecting twins. Oh, I hear you roaring. Can you hear me hollering Hip Hip Hoorah!

Well, today is grrlpower and dykepower day in my life - it's Friday, so let's have some peace. Jerry Falwell, Donnie McClurkin and the rest of the closested gays and lesbian preachers, pastors are somewhere causing enough drama for today.

In A Minute...Pinklillies On A Beautiful Day!