Who Are They?
They are like Maggots, found germinating in your Grandma's warm sweet patota pie.
Or, that fly that circles your chitlins.
Even, the gnat that lands in the hot sauce.
"Seek & Destroy!,"
"That's what they do."
Never allowing you a Vision, a Hope or a Dream. Their goal is to devour an assassinate your best made plans.
They come to Murder your purpose of being.
Their entry into your Life, Is to replace your Confidence
With the Seed of Doubt.
Who Are They?
They are the DreamBusters,
That's Who They Be.
They will try & strip you of your Power,
Eat away at your Creativity,
And, deprive you of your Knowledge of Knowing
That, "What You Are is Already Enough."
Their desire is to keep you held in Captivity.
Because, they are gagged and bound
In their own bottomless pit, which
Can only be compared to a burning inferno,
That, blazes from a Hell within.
Are you still wondering, "Who That Might Be?"
They are the real Demons.
They are the real Serpents.
They are the true Angels of Death.
They want to put the Nail In Your Coffin.
They are the DreamBusters,
That will follow your Destiny's Path.
Never Relinquish Your Power !
In A Minute.....Pinklillies On A Beautiful Day!