Georgia Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney
Georgia Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney has offered up an apology to the Capitol patrol officer for punching his lights out. The Congresswoman, felt she was being racially profiled. However, you be the judge of this case.
Cynthia McKinney tried to enter the Capitol building without proper identification. She was absent of her Congressional ID. We know that everyone is very antsy since 9-11. Therefore, was the police officer within reason for his probing and questioning?
None of her fellow Caucus members took her side on this. We believe they encouraged McKinney to settle this matter with a public apology. Personally I believe, this was the appropriate course of action.
Congressman Tom Delay spoke "ill" of McKinney's physical appearance and hair style. He has made a public apology for this ridicule. However, he is now under threat of federal prosecution. How do I feel about this?
It's just amazing to me, that in the year of 2006 African Americans are still cursed, taunted and teased about our cultural styles. Our braids, locks, twist and natural hair. Even our Afrocentric garb and attire.
In a minute....Pinklillies On A Beautiful Day