Senator Hillary Clinton
Not more than two weeks ago Presidential candidate Senator Hillary Clinton finally done what I along with many other people from the gay and lesbian community was waiting on. She made her declaration that she was pro gay.
During an unannounced speech she spoke to the Human Rights Campaign, stating her intent to form an alliance a partnership with gays should she be elected president.
To add even more fuel to the fire Senator Clinton added how she was in opposition of the 'don't ask don't tell' policy regarding gays in the military, which was enacted during her husband's presidency. (Hillary sure can pour it on, wonder if Bill wrote that for her?)
It gets even better though, " I am proud to stand by your side," Clinton said in a keynote speech Friday to the Human Rights Campaign. "I want you to know that this is exactly the kind of partnership we will have when I am president," Clinton told the group. "I want you to know that just as you always have an open door to my senate office, you will always have an open door to the White House and together we can continue this journey."Now, no more than what seems a few short seconds ago things have really changed. ABC News asked our Presidential candidate a point blank question, 'Do you think homosexuality is immoral?'
Senator Clinton's answer, "Well, I'm going to leave that to others to conclude," she replied. I ask what kind of response or answer is that? You are you going to leave it to? And, it doesn't matter what is concluded?
This is coming from a presidential hopeful that assured our gay rights activists she was by our side. Remember the open door policy?
Well, she just slammed it shut and put a few nails in it. Good ol' jillary I mean Hillary Clinton.