She Went To Pinklillies Heaven
Hey Guys, this blog have moved to She The Universe Has Spoken
She just couldn't handle the blogger beta change.
See you there!
It's not your normal garden, but the lillies will grow at a rapid pace. All the beautiful women are welcome to come pluck pick water and hoe...Come on In! And men there is no reason for you to be afraid.
Hey Guys, this blog have moved to She The Universe Has Spoken
She just couldn't handle the blogger beta change.
See you there!
Posted by Miss Vicki at 5:39 PM
Jackie and Toni Smith, life partners were led straight out the doors of IHOP after exchanging a kiss on the lips. And who would have ever thought it would have taken place in Kansas the wonderful land of Oz?
Their kiss was not of heated passion or an exchange of tongue and saliva. It was a simple kiss on the lips. This was attested to by the couple who sat in the booth next to them.
But, the Manager stated this was a family restaurant and 'We can't accept it and We won't accept it.' Then, he threw them out.There's major problems at hand here, even more so than the most obvious. First, there is no Federal Law protecting gays and lesbians from discrimination. Second, in the city of Kansas and the state of Missouri there are no local or state laws enacted for their protection either.
Meaning you can discriminate against them. You don't have to rent them to, so that's unfair housing. If you think your tenant is a homosexual you can evict them. You don't hire because of their sexual orientation and of course they can be fired due to it. The more I write this the more it just sounds crazy.
So I think I'm going to click my heels and maybe all the hatred and discrimination will just go away!
Posted by Miss Vicki at 2:40 PM
Children as young as 4 years old will soon enjoy the narration of fairytales, which include gay and lesbian characters.
This means of education will be viable by a series of storybooks. This is taking place, due to the fact that 14 primary schools have already began teaching about this sexual orientation.
It was implemented through a Government-Funded Study in order for the youths of today to learn about gay and lesbian relationships.
One of their goals is to stop the children who are apart of these families from being bullied because who their parents are.
Children whose parents are gay and lesbian experience homophobic hatred. Since, the study has began bullying on the playgrounds has been reduced. Based on awareness that same sex families are no different than families in mainstream society.
One of the books being used is titled, 'King & King'. A prince foregoes the love of 3 princesses, but falls in love with one of their brothers, they marry. The book 'Spacegirl Pukes' she was about to launch off on a space mission, until she got sick. Her 2 mommy's had to nurse her back to health. Then, 'Tango Makes Three' Roy and Silo 2 male penguins who fall in love at a New York Zoo.
Dr Elizabeth Atkinson, reader in social and educational inquiry at Sunderland University stated the reason for the project was to help the schools meet their requirements found under the Equality Act, which will require all public institutions to meet the needs of gay and lesbian users.
The No Outsiders Project is jointly run by Sunderland University, Exeter University and London’s Institute of Education. The findings from the study will be made available on national websites.
The Christian Voice Group is outraged “The arrogance of people like Elizabeth Atkinson, using children as guinea pigs is outrageous and thoroughly wicked. “I am astonished at this project and we are trying to find out where these schools are to empower parents to put pressure on them to remove the books.”
Posted by Miss Vicki at 1:50 PM
Labels: children gay and lesbian fairytale stories, children in same sex families, sexual orientation regulation, the christian voice group
Well just a quick news flash Howard does in fact believe same sex loving that thang called homosexuality is definitely a sin, because he is a God fearing man.
But the great news is he won't hold it against us or condemn us to hell, because he has uhm... let's see fornicated committed adultery lied cheated I guess you could say done alot of those 7 deadly sins and broken alot of those 10 20 50 how many commandments are there?
I keep forgeting... no tattoes a woman shouldn't cut off her hair oh yeah don't speak in church....
Wait a minute, Wait minute are we going by The Old Testament or The New Testament?
Are you teaching from the New King James Version or from the Old? The Living Bible or what! Come on now I can't keep up with you.....
Posted by Miss Vicki at 4:04 AM
Not more than two weeks ago Presidential candidate Senator Hillary Clinton finally done what I along with many other people from the gay and lesbian community was waiting on. She made her declaration that she was pro gay.
During an unannounced speech she spoke to the Human Rights Campaign, stating her intent to form an alliance a partnership with gays should she be elected president.
To add even more fuel to the fire Senator Clinton added how she was in opposition of the 'don't ask don't tell' policy regarding gays in the military, which was enacted during her husband's presidency. (Hillary sure can pour it on, wonder if Bill wrote that for her?)
It gets even better though, " I am proud to stand by your side," Clinton said in a keynote speech Friday to the Human Rights Campaign. "I want you to know that this is exactly the kind of partnership we will have when I am president," Clinton told the group. "I want you to know that just as you always have an open door to my senate office, you will always have an open door to the White House and together we can continue this journey."Now, no more than what seems a few short seconds ago things have really changed. ABC News asked our Presidential candidate a point blank question, 'Do you think homosexuality is immoral?'
Senator Clinton's answer, "Well, I'm going to leave that to others to conclude," she replied. I ask what kind of response or answer is that? You are you going to leave it to? And, it doesn't matter what is concluded?
This is coming from a presidential hopeful that assured our gay rights activists she was by our side. Remember the open door policy?
Well, she just slammed it shut and put a few nails in it. Good ol' jillary I mean Hillary Clinton.
Posted by Miss Vicki at 12:56 AM
Labels: gay rights activists, human rights campaign, is homosexuality immoral, presidential candidate hillary clinton
During my time away from blogging writing editing sitting in front of my computer hours and days on end I discovered a whole new world. Exciting things are taking place. Artistry, music and a HomoRevolution is happening out there.
I love rap music, yes I do. I'll bypass the songs with the verbage containing #@!#@'s and the #@!@#'s. You see I can't even bring myself to speak them. But, I can dig me some rap with a message. It's poetry in motion, words in a song for my ears. My message in a bottle. And, with my boy 2Pac resting in peace and my beloved Bones Thugs & Harmony, absent of one of the original cast, well... things just haven't been quite the same...until I discovered Homorap and all of its great artist. Once again, rap with a message.
Deadlee is taking Gay Hip Hop, by storm. He's refreshing and he keeps it real. He has rocked the stage at Peace Out and his song Good Soldier II stays on The Top Ten video requests found on The Logo Channel.
(the above video)
Deadlee appeared on CNN the Paula Zahn's Now Prime Time Special, 'Out In The Open' Is it Hip Hop Art or Poison? Check it out, you be the judge.
Homorap artist Deadlee, expressed his like for Eminem and 50 Cent. Although, commented it was rather sad hearing the words I Hate Faggots blare out of so many of their mouths, used in their lyrics.
Deadlee works with gay youth, who support these artist by listening to and buying their music, all the while these rappers talk 'crap about us.' Deadlee gives these young people an alternative mainstream music, which could also easily be yours Gay Hip Hop/HomoHop.
"HOMOREVOLUTION TOUR 2007 is the first Ever HomoHop Tour of the Pacific Southwest, a tour of GAY, Lesbian and Bisexual rap & hip hop artists. Gay Hip Hop or "homohop" as it has been called has been around for awhile in the underground but it was brought to the attention of the larger LGBT Community in Alex Hinton's 2005 documentary about the genre, "Pick up the Mic". The 90 minute film profiled 18 LGBT hip hop artists throughout the world. Pick up the Mic debuted on MTV Network's LOGO in October. This tour will possibly be the focus of a Reality show with Rachel Powell (My Life as A Sitcom) serving as Executive Producer. We are looking for a Production Company or Network to pick it up."
Posted by Miss Vicki at 11:13 PM
Labels: Deadlee, Gay Hip Hop, Good Soldier II, Homorap, HomoRevolution Tour, Logo Channel, Peace Out, Pick Up The Mic
Posted by Miss Vicki at 11:06 PM
Labels: Deadlee, Gay Hip Hop, Good Soldier II, Logo Channel, Pick Up The Mic