Off To The Races
It's Kentucky Derby Weekend!
And, when Kentucky's Governor Ernie Fletcher, shows up to host he annual Kentucky Derby Breakfast he will be met by LGBT Civil Rights Protestors. And, The Kentucky Equality led a silent protest march.
What's All This About? The University Of The Cumberlands, which is a Baptist institution expelled a student after his sexual orientation was found to be that of the label called, "gay." Now, isn't that a grand reason not to allow an individual an education!
Mr. Jason Johnson, age 20 was a Dean's List student, but after the school discovered his sexual orientation he received F's in all his subjects.
Fletcher's predecessor, Governor Paul Patton included protection for the LGBT State Workers, this was rescinded by Fletcher in 2003. But, you know what every LGBT person isn't a state worker and we all should have the same rights. It's not equal rights, it may be civil rights, but it damn sure is HUMAN Rights. Why? We're Human - duh.
The Kentucky Fairness Alliance, is trying to stop to rescind the 11 million dollar grant, that is given to the Cumberland's and they have the support of the Democratic lawmakers.
Somethings just ain't right, and bigotry is bigotry no matter how it is dressed up & served on a plate.
In A Minute...Pinklillies On A Beautiful Day!