Pakistani - Woman Of No Importance
Nicholas D. Kristof of the New York Times, tells a story of an escaped Pakistani Sex Slave, who may be returned to a brothel owner. The title of his article and video, "Trapped Between Love."
I certainly don't get the title, but when I heard this woman's word I felt the meaning. This was beyond tragic and painful. I don't have the words for what was done to her. Abuse/torture doesn't even begin to describe it.
I'm at a loss of words for mankind. How any human being could treat another as such, is beyond me. This soul, this spirit, this people, this person, had the walls of her vagina burned with hot tongs. Why? Because, she didn't want to prostitute. She was stolen, get that - Stolen from her husband. Wouldn't you call that kidnapped? A piece of property gets stolen.
My sistah was also sold to a different brothel. They brought her back, because she was so disobedient to them. The beatings, the sufferings this woman our sister endured! She even fell down upon her knees, placed her head on the feet of what she saw as a KIND man in the brothel. She begged him to help her. This precious child of She The Universe's was able to escape. She is back home with her family and with her husband.
The snot looking donkey fart, becuz I feel nice today. Saids, he didn't kidnap or steal her. She belonged to him. He was married to her first. In his country, his land and his law the current marriage, which she is in doesn't mean hoot. Divorce is not honored. He is hoping, that she will get arrested and put in jail for adultery. Then, he can bail her out, bring her back home and she will be stoned and killed. "IT's The Law Of The Land."
Ok, now I reported this and I'm going to close, because IF I stay on here to much longer I'm going to start swearing and cursing.
In a minute...Pinklillies On A Beautiful Day.